Countdown to ARLHS Spring Lights Event
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Hello all.

Don’t forget to announce your activation on the World List of Lights so you show up on the web page under…

ARLHS WLOL Lighthouse Radio Activations List

ARLHS WLOL Lighthouse Radio Activations List

It’s easy. Just visit the WLOL web page for the light you intend to activate and fill in the form at the bottom. Example…


ARLHS WLOL Lighthouse Radio Activation Data Entry

ARLHS WLOL Lighthouse Radio Activation Data Entry

Once submitted, there is an approval step (SPAM occasionally tries to slip in).

The Beacon Bot is also a good place to announce, but a nice concise list is a good addition to the flow of activation details.

Hope to work folks during Spring Lights 2021.


John, kx4o