Countdown to ARLHS Christmas Lights Event
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05 February 2017 · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

ARLHS members gathered for a moment at the Richmond, Virginia Frost Fest amateur radio gathering at Richmond International Speedway. It was great meeting old, recent and a new member that joined just today as member 1949.

ARLHS members gather for a photo op at Frost Fest 2017 in Richmond Virginia

ARLHS members gather for a photo op at Frost Fest 2017 in Richmond Virginia

It’s not everyday someone with a really awesome Leica M 246 camera takes your picture. From left to right: former ARRL President N3KN/Kay Craigie, her husband N3AO/Carter Craigie, ARLHS, LLC president KX4O/John Huggins, and avid lighthouse activators KD3CQ/Dan Hatcher and KA3UNQ/Jim Elliott.

Photo courtesy Jeff Hughes.