Countdown to ARLHS Christmas Lights Event
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15 January 2017 · Categories: WLOL · Tags:

We now accept proposals for inclusion of a light into the WLOL via a convenient web form.

Another baby step towards an all electronic ARLHS.

WLOL submission enters the 21st century

WLOL submission enters the 21st century

18 June 2016 · Categories: News

KX4O will be at the Manassas Ham Fest June 19th with a large poster sharing a table with the Virginia Packet Network.  The goal is to provide eye candy for the ham patrons and let them know the fun we have activating and chasing lighthouse.

Conversation starter

Conversation starter

01 May 2016 · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Website refinements carry on while the assessment of ARLHS membership needs continues.  Changes include:

  • Removal of Google Ads;
  • Unifying color scheme of both the and websites;
  • Relocation of Facebook comments section to the bottom of individual lighthouse pages;
  • Deletion of the lighthouse webring links as it appears that has long been overcome by events;
  • Take steps towards making both main and WLOL web sites mobile friendly.

Please send thoughts and ideas for website improvements to

23 April 2016 · Categories: News

In April 2016 John Huggins (kx4o) received the ARLHS from Jim Weidner (K2JXW).  As part of the new ARLHS, this new web site replaces the previous.  The transfer of information will continue for quite a while, but the basics are in place.

Please thank Jim for the creation and many years of stewardship of the ARLHS.  We cannot overstate the importance of his contributions.

This post serves as the first of hopefully many more bits of news, member stories and other moments in time worthy of sharing to everyone.  Have a story to share?  Contact ARLHS with the details and let’s see about posting the details here.

John, kx4o