Countdown to ARLHS Spring Lights Event
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The suggested calling frequencies for SSB are:
1.970, 3.970, 7.270, 14.270, 18.145, 21.370, 28.370
On CW, they are:
1.830, 3.530, 7.030, 10.130, 14.030, 18.070, 21.030, 28.030

On digital modes, the common operating frequencies for these are used.
On VHF and UHF, repeater operation is allowed, but the usual national calling frequencies are encouraged.

NOTE: These frequencies can get rather crowded, especially during operating events and contests. Please spread out! Remember, these are suggested calling frequencies only, and in reality we use any clear frequency +/- 20 kc of these. Be courteous and use good operating practices. Listen before you transmit.