Lighthouse Christmas Lights (LCL)
Operating Event
0001Z Saturday December 20th, 2025 to 2359Z January 1st, 2026.
The ARLHS Lighthouse Christmas Lights (LCL) is sponsored by ARLHS, LLC.
- Promote public awareness of ham radio and lighthouses;
- Contribute to the recognition that lighthouses, lightships, and their keepers deserve;
- Foster camaraderie within the ham fraternity;
- and to provide fellowship among the members of the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society.
Dates and Times:
- Begins: 0001Z 20 December, 2025
- Concludes: 2359Z 1 January, 2026
Suggested Modes / Calling Frequencies:
- Any and all modes that convey sufficient exchange details: SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK, FM, SSTV, etc.
- Any and all bands including WARC
- Suggested SSB freqs: 1950-1990, 3950-3990, 7250-7290, 14.250-14.290, 21.350-21.390, 28.350-28.390 – Calling on the centered 0.70 kHz on each band — Example: 14.270.
- Suggested CW center freqs: 1830, 3530, 7030, 14.030, 21.030, 28.030 – Note that these are center calling frequencies. Work 20 kHz each side of center.
- To alleviate QRM, spread out and work SSB from 50 kHz to 90 kHz and on CW work from 10 kHz to 50 kHz (i.e., +/- 20 kHz of center.)
- Lighthouse chasers (ARLHS members): exchange call sign, ARLHS member number, state/province/country
- Lighthouse chasers (ARLHS non-members): exchange call sign, name, state/province/country
- Lighthouse/Lightship Activators (anyone): exchange call sign, ARLHS lighthouse number, state/province/country
Add any other exchange details you deem necessary to confirm the QSL afterwards if seeking ARLHS member awards.