Countdown to ARLHS Spring Lights Event
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The “BeaconBot” E-Mail List

We call it our “BeaconBot,” and it allows you to post an announcement, inquiry, or message to all the other subscribers on the list. The message is automatically sent to everyone, usually within minutes. We use it to announce current expeditions and lighthouses or islands on the air. It’s a good way to keep in touch on a minute-by-minute basis with what’s going on in the world of lights. Best of all it’s free and easy to sign up.

After numerous requests, an ARLHS group was established on to consider as a replacement for the original reflector system.  The goal was to leverage modern refinements to messaging systems as provided by  All original and new members are encouraged to create an account on the system…

To view archives of the original BeaconBot, please…

–> click here <–

You will be offered several options to configure your subscription, including the ability to view the list archives, put your mail from the lists on temporary hold (if you go away on vacation, for example), or receive a digest of the list at the end of the day.

By the way, a few reminders: the list is Unmoderated; that means that you control your subscription and postings. If you ever want to unsubscribe from the list, click on the link at the bottom of each posting that will take you to the subscriber page where you can modify your subscription or totally unsubscribe. And oh yes, although anything can be discussed, try to limit your postings to matters of ham radio, maritime communications, and lightships or lighthouses.