Countdown to ARLHS Spring Lights Event
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Worked All Call Areas – Lighthouse
(WACA-LH)Award Rules

1. The WACA-LH (Worked All Call Areas – Lighthouse) Award is available
to all amateurs worldwide who submit confirmation of
having contacted a lighthouse station in all ten US call areas. The WAS-LH is
available to SWL’s on a heard basis.

2. All ARLHS General Rules and requirements are applicable.

3. Contacts may be made over any period of years. Contacts may be
confirmed in writing, preferably in the form of QSL cards. Photocopies are
acceptable. The ARLHS can not be held responsible for any cards or documents
other than to exercise normal care while they are in the Society’s possession.

4. Application Procedure (Please follow carefully)
*The WACA-LH Application Form must be submitted to the
Awards Manager (see Application Form on this page).

* If QSL cards are sent, they must be accompanied by sufficient postage
for their safe return (registered mail is recommended because it is traceable).
Photocopies of QSL cards are permitted and recommended. The ARLHS can
not be held responsible for any cards or documents other than to exercise
normal care while they are in the Society’s possession.

*ARLHS Awards eCertificates are free of charge and will be issued to the requester via email.

Optional paper award is available for a fee, visit the General Awards Rules page for more details