Countdown to ARLHS Spring Lights Event
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ARLHS QSLing — suggestions only!
QSLing is not an obligation, but if you put a lighthouse on the air, it is fairly well understood that you will send a QSL upon request. The following are suggested guidelines from operators who have done quite a bit of lighthouse operations, as well as IOTA, DXCC, etc.

(A) RETURN POSTAGE — Enclose enough return postage to cover the cost of all cards in an envelope. US Dollars and IRC’s (available at the local post office) are standard payments for return postage. Mint stamps are also acceptable, but make sure they are the right amount!

(B) ENVELOPE SIZE — Use a #10 sized envelope if possible for a return card. Many lighthouse operators print their own photo QSL cards on their computers, and these cards are too large to fit in a regular #6 letter-sized envelope without being folded.

(C) CARD DATA — Don’t list several QSO’s on one QSL card just by lighthouse name and/or number. If you work the same station from several different lighthouses, list each lighthouse separately and include QSO information with each listing. Remember, an operator has to dig out the information for you from his logs, and it is necessary to have the dates and times for each QSO. Make QSLing as easy as possible for the station worked. Use UTC hours/minutes when citing the time of the QSO. It is best to spell out the name of the month: 2/1/2001 might mean February 1st to some, but January 2nd to others. DX stations often use Roman numerals for the month, but we prefer something like 1 Feb 01 or 08 Jan 02.

(D) REQUEST LIGHTHOUSE NUMBER — The ARLHS number is important, and we can not accept a number assigned by any other organization. If you work a station that you suspect to be near a lighthouse, as an IOTA operation for example, ask him if he is within visual sight of a lighthouse (see ARLHS guidelines); and if so, ask him or his QSL manager to put the official ARLHS name of the lighthouse (as given on the ARLHS “World List of Lights”) and the ARLHS number, if known, on the QSL card. Most QSLers are accommodating but won’t do it unless asked. The official ARLHS name of the lighthouse, or its ARLHS number, is imperative for ARLHS awards!