Countdown to ARLHS Spring Lights Event
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Anyone can submit a light for inclusion on the world-famous ARLHS World List of Lights. As long as it meets the ARLHS criteria it will be assigned a number and will be added to the list. (See FAQ #2 for our criteria.) Basically, the light should be recognized by some government agency as a true navigation beacon; that is, it must now appear or have in the past appeared on or in an official government map, chart, or directory as an aid to navigation (ATON) — nautical, not aeronautical — and be large enough and constructed in such a manner as to physically support an operator and all equipment necessary to sustain a complete ham station for a period of at least an hour. Poles, daymarkers, and such do not qualify, nor do lights or “faux lighthouses” constructed primarily as monuments or historic or tourist attractions, unless they have truly served as an ATON as defined above.

Submissions should be made to the Light List Manager who will present it to the committee for consideration. The “Committee” consists of five members chosen by the President from the membership at large and such other persons as shall be deemed necessary. Submissions to the committee should include as much information as possible and should be submitted on the ARLHS WLOL Proposal Application Form. This form can be downloaded from the ARLHS web site in several different formats:

(1) in Adobe PDF format,
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(2) in web browser HTML format,
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(3) or in Microsoft WORD doc format.
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A photograph, although not initially necessary, is always helpful and may be sent in JPG format as an attachment.

Once approved, the light will be given an official ARLHS number and placed on the ARLHS World List of Lights. In the event that it is rejected, the submitter may appeal. At this point the burden of proof is on the submitter. The most common reason for denial has been that the committee questions whether the proposed light will support a ham station. In this case, proof must consist of an actual photograph of the operator sitting on the light with a ham station assembled on the light. The photo must show the operator; and the equipment, including the antenna, must be clearly identifiable. Please note that channel buoys and markers are not acceptable. Range lights, depending on their physical size and structure, may or may not be.

Following that, the decision of the committee is final. Lights may be added or removed from the list at their sole discretion; no reason needs to be given.